Excel To Image

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There is no option to automatically resize a cell to fit a picture. Nor is there an option to resize the picture to fit the cell. But you can use VBA code to do either resizing operation. The following code will align a picture with the top left corner of the cell at the top left corner of the picture. It will also adjust the row and column so the picture fits exactly. I had to resize the column twice because the first time it didn fit perfectly. Sub ResizeCellToFitPicture() code Dim shp As Shape code Dim cel As Range code Dim celColWidth As Single celWidth As Single PicHeight As Single PicWidth As Single code Dim i As Long code code Set shp = (1) code Set cel = code PicHeight = code PicWidth = code = code = code code = PicHeight code code For i = 1 To 2 code celColWidth = code celWidth = code celColWidth = (PicWidth celWidth) * celColWidth code celColWidth = (255 celColWidth) code = celColWidth code Next code End Sub code
You may take a look at EzPaste the addin developed by myself addressing this need
Microsoft provides a service that allows you to upload an Content tags - Computer Vision - Azure Cognitive Services s as an input and outputs the description of each image. You can get the SDK from here Quickstart Computer Vision client library for .NET s Good luck. Please consider UpVoting if you find the answer useful. Thanks!
When people want to add pictures to a worksheet they usually need to clear out any pictures that might already be there. They also want to size the pictures to fit the cell. The following sub does that putting the pictures in a row (as requested) instead of a column. As written the macro puts the pictures starting in cell C1. The path is hardcoded and the picture file names should go in in cell B2 and below. If there is a blank cell in the picture file name column it will be ignored. Sub AddPictures() code 'Puts pictures in row 1 starting in column C. Each picture is resized to fit the cell. code Dim cel As Range Pictures As Range PictureFileNames As Range targ As Range code Dim j As Long n As Long code Dim flPath As String flName As String code Dim shp As Shape code = False code flPath = XMiscellany 'Path to pictures code With ActiveSheet code Set Pictures = .Range(C1) 'First picture goes here code Set PictureFileNames = .Range(B2) 'First picture file name found here code Set PictureFileNames = Range(PictureFileNames .Cells(. ).End(xlUp)) 'All picture file names in this column code n = (PictureFileNames) code If n = Then Exit Sub code code 'Delete existing pictures code For Each shp In .Shapes code If = msoPicture Then code If = Then code End If code Next code code 'Add new pictures resized to fit the cell code For Each cel In PictureFileNames code If < Then code j = j + 1 code Set targ = (1 j) code Set shp = .(Filename=flPath & tofile=msoFalse savewithdocument=msoCTrue _ code Left= Top= Width= Height=) code = pic & code End If code Next code End With code End Sub code